· 预约家庭医生;
· 拜访无需预约的诊所和其他一些医疗保健提供者;
· 急诊室就诊;
· 医学检查;
· 手术。
我是否有资格凭工签享受 OHIP?
要获得 OHIP 资格,您需要满足以下资格标准:
2)在任何 12 个月期间在安省居住超过 153 天;
3)在您开始在安大略省生活的前 183 天中,至少有 153 天在安大略省;
您持有有效的工签,为安大略省的雇主全职工作至少六个月。满足此条件的情况下,您的配偶和受扶养人也有资格享受 OHIP。
您已向加拿大移民局 (IRCC) 提交了永久居民申请,该部门已收到、审核并确认您的资格。在此情况下,您可以在收到 PR 申请结果之前申请 OHIP。
关于身份过期: 如果您的工签已过期,但您在到期前提交了延期申请或新的工签申请,您仍可申请 OHIP。在加拿大移民法下,只要您的新申请仍在审核期间,您即可维持合法身份。
如何申请 OHIP?
所有符合 OHIP 资格的安大略省居民都必须携带必要的文件亲自到安大略省服务中心申请。申请获批后,您将收到一张健康卡,用于医疗服务计入省医疗计划。
使用 ServiceOntario 定位工具即可找到最近的办事处,请提前确认办事处是否提供该项服务。
2.证明您符合 OHIP 资格的移民身份的原始文件;
Document type | Approved documentation to apply for OHIP |
A completed application form | |
An original document proving your OHIP-eligible immigration status | Work permit; or Verification of Status (IMM 5716 or IMM 5715); and Proof of full time employment for an employer in Ontario: - Must be an original or digital document (contract or letter) on official company letterhead, dates by the employer and stating: - That the employee is working full-time; - The title/occupation of the employee’s role; - The start date of employment; - That the employer intends to employ the employee for a minimum of six months - Letters can also state the employee is “permanent”, but this does not count towards the “full-time”consideration.
An original document proving your residency in Ontario | Documents may be originals in print, or as a digital image (unless indicated otherwise). Photocopies are not permitted.You may provide a(n): Valid Ontario driver’s license*; Temporary driver’s license* - Only if accompanied by photo license card with the same address; Valid Ontario Photo Card*; Utility bill (cable TV, hydro, gas, water); Monthly bank account statements - Applicants should not include receipts, bank books, letters or automated teller receipts; Employer record (for example a pay stub, or letter from employer on company letterhead); School, college, or university report card or transcript; Child Tax Benefit statement; Recent income tax Notice of Assessment (of the latest year available); Insurance policy (e.g., home, tenant, auto, or life); Mortgage, rental, or lease agreement; Ontario motor vehicle permit (plate or vehicle portions)*; Property tax bill; Phone bill (home phone, cell phone); Credit card statement; Statement of direct deposit for Ontario Works or for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP); Statement of Employment Insurance Benefits Paid (T4E); Statement of Old Age Security (T4A) or statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits (T4A) (P); - Any of the following statements from a bank, trust company or credit union: - Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP); - Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF); or - Registered Home Ownership Savings Plan (RHOSP). Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Statement of Benefits (T5007); or Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contributions. *Only original printed versions are accepted for these documents.
An original document proving your identity | The following documents must also include the applicant’s name and signature: Credit card; Valid Ontario driver’s licence or temporary driver’s licence; Valid Ontario Photo Card; Canadian Immigration Identification Card; Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (plastic card); Certificate of Indian Status (paper or plastic card); Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292) - Only if signature is shown; Current employee ID card; Current professional association license (if needed); Old Age Security Card; Ontario motor vehicle permit (plate portion only); Passport (Canadian or foreign); Permanent Resident Card - Only if signature is shown; Record of Landing (IMM 1000); Student ID card; or Union card. |
OHIP 涵盖和不涵盖哪些内容?
服务名称 | 涵盖吗? | 详情 |
医生就诊 | 是的 | 全额承保医疗上必要的面对面或虚拟咨询,包括免预约诊所。 |
医院护理 | 是的 | 涵盖医生/护理服务、诊断测试、住院药物和住宿(仅限基本房间)。 |
实验室测试 | 是的 | 承保在医院或社区实验室进行的医学上必要的检查。专业测试可能需要资格标准。 |
堕胎 | 是的 | 承保医院或诊所的外科手术以及凭医生处方进行的 Mifegymiso。 |
牙科外科(医院内) | 是的 | 涵盖医疗上必要的程序,例如骨折修复、肿瘤切除和经批准的拔牙。 |
眼睛健康(验光) | 部分 | 为 19 岁或以下人士或针对特定医疗状况的人士提供免费年度眼科检查。老年人(65 岁以上)承保范围有限。 |
足病学(足部健康) | 部分 | 每次就诊费用为 7-16 加元(每年最高 135 加元),X 光检查费用为 30 加元。手术不属于承保范围。 |
救护车服务 | 部分 | 根据具体情况承保。 |
安大略省北部旅行援助 | 部分 | 承保范围取决于具体情况。 |
处方药 | 不涵盖 | 不在医院范围内承保,例如家庭医生开出的药物。 |
牙科服务 | 不涵盖 | 牙医诊所的常规牙科护理不在承保范围内。 |
视力保健 | 不涵盖 | 眼镜、隐形眼镜以及与医疗状况无关的手术(例如激光手术)不在承保范围内。 |
整容手术 | 不涵盖 | 非医疗必要的手术不包括在内。 |
实验治疗 | 不涵盖 | 实验性或未经批准的治疗方法被排除在外。 |
其他健康服务 | 不涵盖 | 不包括非医生提供的服务(除非受到监管)或通过安全消息传递(非视频/电话)进行的虚拟咨询。 |